I first saw this weapon watching SG-1 and thought it was just cool as hell!
After doing my homework, I found out that a Beligium arms maker, FN Herstal, makes it and they actually have a civilian model!
So after a few months of begging, borrowing and stealing, I got my hands on one!
I love this weapon! Its so easy to handle, shoot, and break down, you'd think the Belgiumese(?) were Germans in disguise.
It fires a unique round, called the 5.7x28mm. The matching hand gun to this rifle, the FiveseveN, is what caused all that ruckus in California. Armor piercing this and cop killer that. Its not the hand gun thats armor piercing, its the ammo. That little bullet packs a hell of a punch! But the armor piercing ammo isn't even legal. You can't buy it! They have slower, less lethal (ha!) versions of the 5.7.
The rifle holds 50 rounds in a top loading magazine that is easy to swap out. The recoil is non-existent! Its like firing a pop gun! I could easily take this into battle and not worry about kicking up rounds or having it jam.
Its a great weapon but pricey as hell. I picked up the PS90 and the matching FiveseveN handgun for $2,500.00 and then proceeded to stock up on ammo like the apocolypse was here... I figured if they ever ban it outright, I'd be set...
My one complaint on the weapon is that it has a 16in barrel. I want a 10in barrel, looks alot cooler... but I'll live... until we change these stupid local commie laws!